Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Surrendering to the Will of God is Beautiful

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Belajar lebih intensif dan labih pasti: sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan kesempatan yang anda punya.

Materi dan Tujuan Pembelajaran dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan peserta
dapat mengikuti Mata Pelajaran dengan tujuannya sebagai berikut.

a. Oral Communication
The objectives:
To provide the students with the opportunity to learn interpersonal communication skills for conversation, studies, discussions, exams, interviews, presentations, debates, meetings, negotiations, traveling etc. They will learn how to communicate in English with confidence.

b. Reading and Vocabulary
The objectives:
To provide the students with the opportunity to develop their vocabulary and reading comprehension through guided reading of authentic materials, magazines, news papers, manuals, stories and other articles on current topics etc.

c. Writing and Grammatical Review
The objectives:
To provide the students with the opportunity to learn to write clear and accurate sentences, paragraphs, letters, faxes, memos, resumes and reports and organize their ideas according to English writing styles and use appropriate formats. They will also practice English Grammar and sentence structure.

d. TOEFL Preparation

The objectives:
To provide the students with the opportunity to master exam strategies for. They will also improve their language skills, grammar, vocabulary and academic skills.

Pilihan Program:

1.On Job Training: Pembelajaran dilaksanakan di kantor
tempat bekerja peserta.
2.In House Training: Pembelajaran dilaksanakan di rumah peserta.
3. At Resort Training: Pembelajaran dilaksanakan di
Self Access Learning Centre dan tempat rekreasi sesuai kesepakatan.
Biaya: 2 sks terdiri dari 15 pertemuan selama 6 bulan (Rp. 3 Jt termasuk Materi Pembelajaran) atau 4 sks terdiri dari 30 pertemuan selama 6 bulan (Rp. 6 Jt termasuk Materi Pembelajaran)
(Pembayaran 2 x = awal kuliah dan pertengahan kuliah)
Informasi lebih lanjut Hub: 081332663238

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